“KOOLFEST MTAC!” is a popular-music event which promotes “pop” musical styles, such as jazz, ragtime, new age, rock and musical theater, usually of the 20th and 21st century. A pop rendition of a classical piece would also qualify under this category. Students of all disciplines and at all levels are provided an opportunity to perform before a live audience and be critiqued by a qualified judge.

  • Who may enter: Students of all levels.
  • Entry, Fee payment, and Score Upload Deadline: 11:59 PM, Saturday, May 3, 2025.
  • Fee: $15.00 per performer.
  • Date and Time: Saturday, May 17, 2025, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Recital times will vary.
  • Location: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 1 West Avenida de los Arboles, Thousand Oaks, CA

Repertoire Requirements:

  1. Time limit: Four minutes. A student may play more than one piece by the same composer and/or a different composer as long as the combined time does not exceed 4 minutes.
  2. Musical allowed: Including but not limited to the following styles: folk, spiritual, ragtime, jazz, new age, rock, country, musical theatre, videogame, film, etc. Students may perform their own compositions as well. Contact the chairperson with questions regarding repertoire selections.
  3. Memorization: Students are encouraged to play pieces from memory; however, music may be used as required. If music is original or improvisational, a sketch or musical outline may be used as needed.

Dress and Decorum: Students may wear stylish popular clothing as appropriate to the period and type of music being presented. For example, a bowler hat and vest would be appropriate for a ragtime performer or:

Wear slacks with a belt and a tucked-in button-up shirt with a collar. Jackets and ties are encouraged. Wear dress shoes (preferred) or black sneakers with black socks.
Wear a dress, a skirt with a blouse, or dress slacks with a blouse. The dress or skirt must be knee-length or longer. Wear dress shoes (preferred) or black sneakers.
Not Allowed:
Do not wear shorts, T-shirts, blue jeans, sports uniforms, tight clothing, flip-flops, Crocs, or sneakers (exception: black sneakers).

Special Instructions: Students are to number the first measure of each line of their music or lead-sheet. The scores or lead-sheets will be uploaded onto the registration form for the judge’s use. If your music is not written (i.e., if you are going to improvise), please provide the judge with a simple outline of your idea. For example, “I am going to play blues in F. I call it: “My Rainy-Day Blues.

Venue Information

 Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
1 West Avenida de los Arboles, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

MTAC Conejo Valley KoolFest!
Saturday, May 17, 2024, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Recital times will vary.