Synopsis: The non‐competitive Early Level Contemporary Music Festival (ELCF) provides beginning through intermediate-level students an opportunity to perform 20th and 21st‐century repertoire in a public recital before a qualified judge. Students gain valuable experience by playing in a formal setting, which helps to prepare them for the more competitive Advanced Contemporary Music Festival in later years.
Our guest judge for 2024 is Rosemary Carswell.
• Levels: Preparatory through and including Level Five.
• Deadline to apply, pay fees, and score uploads: 11:59 PM, Sunday, October 19, 2024
• Fee: $15.00 per performer.
• Date and Time: Saturday, November 2, 2024, 10 am-7 pm. Exact times may vary.
• Location: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 1 Avenida de los Arboles, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Repertoire Requirements:
1. Music allowed: Music of 20th and 21st-century composers, Preparatory through level Five, which displays compositional techniques such as pointillism, modes and contrived scales, polyrhythm and polytonality, jazz idioms, etc. The Solos, other than those found in lesson books, by composers such as Gerou, Mier, Faber, Vandall, Bartok, Kabalevsky and Prokofiev, are allowed. Teachers may find it helpful to consult the CM syllabus for selections. Jazz and popular music is saved for Koolfest and other appropriate programs.
2. Time limit: Three minutes. One or two pieces by the same or by different composers is allowed if within the time limit. Students may be stopped if they go over the time limit.
3. Memorization: Pianists may not use music during the performance. Other disciplines may use music as is customary to their discipline.
Dress and Decorum: MTAC Conejo Valley requests that all students and attendees show respect for this event through their dress.
Wear slacks with a belt and a tucked-in button-up shirt with a collar. Jackets and ties are encouraged. Wear dress shoes (preferred) or black sneakers with black socks.
Wear a dress, a skirt with a blouse, or dress slacks with a blouse. The dress or skirt must be knee-length or longer. Wear dress shoes (preferred) or black sneakers.
Not Allowed:
Do not wear shorts, T-shirts, blue jeans, sports uniforms, tight clothing, flip-flops, Crocs, or sneakers (exception: black sneakers).
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